First, let me introduce Boobs La Rue. Seriously, this guy's chest is bigger than mine. I'm a little jealous.

Hi, i just looked your profile and get interested ,it looks like we have a lot in common and maybe something to share and why not to take a chance to know more about us ?,by the way ,my name is (removed) and i live in San Diego CA , i travel a lot because my bussines but i like a lot San Diego ,before writing i will let you take a look my profile and get an idea who i am and i hope you decide to write me back to my email (removed) ,take care and thanks for taking your time to read my message ,ciao!!!!!!
First of all, another candidate for spelling and punctuation lessons? Definitely. Also, giving out your email in the first email? I'm guessing his free couple of days were expiring and wanted me to be able to get in touch with him. Boy, don't I feel lucky to be pursued by a guy too cheap to spring for a subscription?
Next up is my new BFF, aka, guy with a bunch of crotch shots in his profile.

Hello, i actually would like to be a new friend of yours, if you do not mind of course, since i saw you profile, through rambling around, and i was really affected by it. In addition, your pictures were very splendid that i could not resist their enchantment on me.Again, someone who's free time is expiring wants my email address. But, he is my best friend, so I shouldn't have a problem with sharing that information, right? Plus, here's another guy who thinks my pictures are splendid. I'm glad I can still enchant 24-year-old guys from Morocco that live with mom & dad.
Honestly, my intention of writing this message is to look for new friends because iam really intersted in them.
Firstly , let me make you aware of myself, my name is (removed) , iam a student at university specialized in french literature , i live in a very beautiful and sunny country with snow , deserts and beaches called Morocco, i still live with my parents who have supported and provided me with all necessities that i need .
So, my primarily purpose of being here is to seek for an open-minded , honest , kind , sociable , intellectuel as well as modest girl who knows something about " real love " , not love that depends only on Sex and materiality.
i hope that you got the meaning of what iam looking for .
Finally, if you feel that you have these characteristics, please send me your adress Msn (Hotmail), iam looking to hearing from you as soon as possible.
Your best friend (removed).
Someone please remind me why I'm doing this?
Your new BFF might be on to something here. I bet you'd generate a lot more interest in your profile (and have a lot more material to post) if you incorporated a lot of crotch shots.
I'm just sayin'...
Wow, he was affected by your profile. WTF is that supposed to mean?
A translation will be coming this evening.
@Ed: Right now I'm still focusing on quality over quantity, so I'll forgo the crotch shots (for now). But I am pretty excited for my first man-slation!
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