I went out of town last weekend, and didn't really log into match until Tuesday afternoon. Needless to say, I had several interesting winks and emails waiting for me. Please keep your hands and feet inside the car as we take a tour through the Gallery of the Absurd...
Stop number 1: "Cheerio from England!"

i am caring, loving, honest, sincere with a good sense of humour. i love helping people in needs especially children and women, i like to make the world a better place if i have the chance. my match should be a very understanding person
Cheerio's favorite hotspots:
the carribean and i like asians especially thier food
I bet he likes their children and women too.
Next stop: Denmark, where we meet Hamlet. Hamlet actually lives in the San Diego area, unlike Cheerio.

Some gems from his intro:
Yes, it would be nice if you loved 'dogs'; With that said, I shall continue... I am very athletic and usually full of energy. I enjoy being with a woman that does not feel the need to hold back...I'll open every door for you and always help you with your bra.
I'm not really sure what he means by 'dogs.' Hmmm.... And this from a brief email he sent me (after I didn't wink back):
I'm getting better at holding my Wii after breaking a vase.
Wow, do we need to start talking about your "wii" already?
And, our last stop is rather lengthy. I defintely smell a form email from Dexter. I'm pretty sure judging by his pictures that he is a serial killer. Although you can't see it here, he has crazy eyes. Anyway, Dexter thinks he is pretty awesome. Behold!

Pay no attention to that subject line, it means nothing. I just wanted to get your attention. Something about your profile intrigued me, and I want to give this a try. I have noticed that some women seem to approach this, meeting people over the internet, with a particular focus. Some would say that they have a certain picture of what they want, and they're out to disqualify as many men as possible, so that they can separate that jewel from the glass which clutters everything up.
To each his own. Everyone has standards, and it is easy to test each new person against those standards. Maybe when you go out with a man, after you get back you say to yourself, "He seems to have a lot of this, but not enough of that" or "I like this and this about him, but there's this one thing that bothers me." And while it is quite natural to evaluate someone like that, I find that I never do it. At least not with someone I really like. I have often found that you don't really know that you wanted something, or even that you were looking for something, until after you've found it. Almost as if you stumble onto it by accident. And when that's what's happening, that's when you can
set aside all those old standards that really only apply to those
people in your past, and instead, you can listen to the voice of
curiosity, as it tells you that this person has something to offer.
Now, with me, that is the kind of excitement I look for in a
relationship, and when that excitement is there, that is when I feel
compelled to grab for it, before it slips away.
Well, I did not mean to make this so long and rambling. Have I
piqued your interest? Good! I look forward to your response. Of
course, you don't have to email me right away. You might want to take a few moments to read this over before you email me. Then you can look back on it and enjoy the satisfaction you feel as you look forward to receiving my reply.
I'll just let that last message speak for itself.