FannyMan has a very user friendly profile- you can almost call it "Responding to Profiles for Dummies." He lists his attributes and then tells the reader whether or not they should contact him based on what they want. I, for one, am very thankful for this, since I often read a profile that I really like then find myself not knowing the next step: "Hmm, this guy is perfect. Now do I respond or ignore it? It's all so confusing."
"I am a 39 year old native to the area. I just completed my first year as a teacher. So i am ready to have some fun this summer. So if you enjoy lively discussions and quick humor then please proceed. I have been described as both serious and irreverent. I enjoy fine dining or the rib cook off. I enjoy being near water, river, lake, ocean, even fountains. i enjoy walks under the stars, cuddling by the fire or dining by candlelight. If these are a few of your favorite things call me. Are you smart? Attractive? Do you have a sence of humor? Good then call me. Do you like jerks who are contolling and mean and wont treat you like you deserve? If so don't call me. Do you want to have a good time? Looking for some romance? If so then reply."
Wow. He is bossy. And reeking of bitterness.
That's hawt.
If you are looking for a walking cliché (with a fanny pack), proceed! I'm surprised he didn't mention piña coladas!
I'm surprised he didn't mention piña coladas!
I was thinking more along the lines of "raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens."
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