"hey howudoin......."
Just when I thought it couldn't get any better, I saw his profile pictures. Now, normally I wouldn't post a picture, but I thought it would be mean to deprive my readers of this:

That pose is awesome. There is another picture where he is taking a shirtless picture of himself with a cell phone, where, according to blogger Jaimi, he looks just like the Hulk (the old one, not the new one)
"I'm about halfway through my box set of 'Friends.' Joey is totally my hero because he gets all kinds of tail!!"
I really wish we could have posted the face. The expression was classic cheese.
Dude, he could have at least cleaned up or cropped out the mess behind him. And I don't really need to see the face...I can probably imagine the cheese pretty well!
Yea, he's a Joey fan, you can't dock him points for that!
Sup. Sup with the whack playstation, sup.
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