Some quotes:
"There is very little that I'm not willing to try at least twice. the second time just to be sure I liked it or not."
-I bet I could find many things he would only try once. Colonoscopy, anyone?
"I detest liars, cheats and thieves."
-Wow, you're so unique. I thought most people liked that sort of thing.
"A sense of adventure, and humor would be nice because couch potatoes aren't my style."
-Uh, is the Buddha belly just a strap on? Or did you get that from not laying on your couch?
"You must like kids because my son is a gas."
-Is that term really the best thing you could come up with? I guess it's better to be a gas than to have gas.
"Financial stability (a job or wealth)is also a necessity because free rides are no longer available."
-Wait, you mean I have to pay for a ride? In that case I think I'll go on the Gravitron.
Did you notice in the background the massive amount of wood* for his wood stove? And yet, he has stuff piled on the stove. AND his kid is gassy.
*Not to be meant as a dirty comment you pervs.
"Financial stability (a job or wealth)is also a necessity because free rides are no longer available."
Translation: I need a sugar mama who loves fat, hairy men with gassy kids.
And really, if I couldn't come up with a better picture, I'd go to Walmart Portrait Studio.
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